The Early Romans

The Early Romans
The Etruscans

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The early Romans (The Etruscans) made many fine contributions to other civilizations. If you were an early Roman which contribution would you have like to have been a part of? Give reasons why. If you forget what the contributions were, look back in the chapter.

Looking forward to hearing from you


  1. I would have liked to have been part of the contributions of architecture because I am fascinated by ancient structures and how they have stood the test of time such as the roman coliseum.

    -Ms. L.

  2. I would liked to have been part of the contributions of the language because the language they borrow the greek alphabet and made some changes

  3. I would have also liked to have been a part of the contributions of architecture because I think that the Etruscan buildings are really cool and it's neat that they still stand to this day

  4. What exactly do you mean by that Jariel? I am thinking that you may have meant that you would have like to have been part of the changes that the Etruscans made to the language. What do you think?
